Annual Report and 
Sustainability 2022
Annual Report and
Sustainability 2022

Our numbers
in 2022

Our commitment to
sustainable development

Even has sustainability integrated into its values. ESG practices permeate our DNA and guide us in decision-making and corporate routine. Our environmental indicators reinforce our commitment to the environment, community, and sustainable development

Message from the Management

In 2022, our journey toward sustainability took on new dimensions, reinforcing our commitment to ESG-related issues. With the approval of the Sustainability Policy, we demonstrate our vision of sustainable corporate management, whic guides each of our decisions and actions. With the preparation of our 2023-2027 Strategic Plan, we are ready to maintain the pace of sustainable growth.
Leandro Melnick
Chief Executive Officer
Rodrigo Geraldi Arruy
Chairman of the Board of Directors
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Content summary

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Our commitment to sustainable development
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Aligned with our materiality and values, we promote care for the environment and respect for the planet. Our efforts to increasingly reduce the impact of activities are reflected in our indicators, reaching 9 of the 10 goals proposed for 2022.


We have a team, and a management policy focused on expanding and improving relationships with internal and external audiences. Therefore, we value our employees' personal and professional growth and a good relationship with other stakeholders.


At Even, the governance structure seeks to act consistently and responsibly throughout the chain of operations, following the ESG pillars and generating value, and minimizing impacts.