Annual Report and
Sustainability 2022


Messages from the Management

GRI 2-22

Message from the CEO

2022 was quite atypical for the Civil Construction Segment. The market was very active with record numbers of launches, despite the high volatility and many uncertainties due to the remnants of the Covid-19 Pandemic, political instability and war in Ukraine.

Our behavior proved to be in line with our Strategic Planning, which guides all decision-making considering the Long-Term vision, which is why we reduced our number of launches and acted conservatively so that we could maintain our solid cash position and guarantee stability for the next years.

Our team is very mature, and with extensive experience in the real estate market, we operate within our area of competence. In 2022, we changed our landbank structure, and our entrepreneurial spirit proved to be prepared for new cycles, with the acquisition of land only within our area of competence.

The Real Estate Product must serve to meet the new demands of society, we see this as a differential to launch Fantastic Products, which must be seen as a Platform of Solutions to transform the way people live, work, and live together.

In 2022, it was possible to evaluate the evolution of the discussions presented by the ESG Committee, with a broader approach to the theme and in a strategic way, being deployed with all employees, working to implement the ESG Culture on other fronts in addition to our already recognized strengths (impact environmental, construction and sustainable products), so that it is effectively recognized by customers for all practices and not just for a certain certification or sustainability seal.

We consolidate our good environmental practices at construction sites with a good level of control and monitoring of impacts. For many years, the Environmental pillar was the most relevant with the greatest impact, both in operations and in the delivery of products.

Governance has also been an aspect of great dedication in recent years, associated with various internal and external monitoring mechanisms, not only due to the form of consolidation of the company being publicly traded, but because we actually practice governance with different approval rites and decisions being shaped democratically.

We want to expand our social commitments with greater structuring of projects aimed at people, even though we have resumed our Volunteer Projects in 2022, there is still a vast field to explore this pillar with the support of our stakeholders. We also face the challenge of ensuring that the client effectively recognizes our commitment to ESG, which will serve more and more to fuel the motivation of our employees, in addition to the ever-increasing development and care for our partners and contractors.

We are prepared for the next challenges ahead, with the certainty that our Strategic Planning and ESG Culture will continue to be deployed in all decision-making processes, by mature, motivated, and qualified employees capable of continuing to transform the way we live, work and live with people.

Message from the Board of Directors

The year 2022 was marked by advances in important agendas for Even and our stakeholders, with direct involvement of the Board, especially in ESG issues. We participate in numerous working groups that deal with sustainability focused on essential topics such as corporate governance and compliance, with consequences for the entire Company.

The involvement and support of everyone in the proposals and discussions on the subject demonstrated the evolution of our maturity as a company and proved that we adopt ESG criteria out of conviction, as they fit our principles and values.

We have a genuine eye for people, not only in the sense of having committed and motivated employees, but of having a team that is aware of its importance in corporate life and in building its legacy. This care translates into professional growth programs, mentorships, and development paths for everyone.

We are an active and participatory Board, which believes in Even's ESG actions. The Company's Strategic Planning has ESG aspects permeated throughout the operation.

Throughout 2022, together with the management team, we defined the strategies necessary to ensure Even's solidity in the coming years. We believe in our team's potential and are certain that we will reap good results.


from the Executive Board
