Annual Report and
Sustainability 2022


Construction Works Technical Performance Program (PDTO)

Created 17 years ago, the ConstructionWorks Technical Performance Program (PDTO) is a management tool that establishes individual goals for employees at management levels (managers, coordinators, engineers, and engineering analysts) and operational levels (masters, technicians, supervisors, storekeeper, and assistants).

Its main axis lies in the simplification of processes, with an increase in perceived quality, in the strengthening of the organizational culture in the construction sites and in the orientation of the work teams regarding the focus on the Management System. In the Program, each goal of our strategic plan is broken down into goals for the works – measured throughout the year by the tool –which drive care in the daily work of employees, increasing the projects' positive results.

At the end of the annual PDTO, the performance of each employee is converted into recognition, through variable compensation and awards at an event with the participation of all professionals involved with the Program. Topics such as water, energy, waste, costs, supplies, quality, and deadlines are part of the targets – 7% linked to ESG –, subdivided into five categories:

Use in Audits

Passing score: 70%

Indicator 1: Quality Management System

Indicator 2: Management of Specific Routines

Indicator 3: Product Technical Quality


Process Management;


Occupational Safety and Sustainability Management;


Production and Planning Management;


Cost Management; and


Results Management.

PDTO Award

After measuring the results obtained by the teams in 2021, we awarded the PDTO, in May 2022, for the categories Technical Performance, Sustainability, Safety, Technical Assistance, QMS and QTP, Services, Materials, Designers and Auditing.

The team awards event had the participation of families, which brought pride, relaxation, and a sense of duty to the winners and the entire Even team.


The deployment of Macrogoals and Strategic Planning for the work teams and support areas is carried out annually through the "Operations" event.

The purpose of the event is to present the strategies and objectives of the Operations team, recognize everyone's efforts and align expectations to achieve the intended results for the next cycle.

The event is held every year to spread Even's Engineering Culture.

Check out the images of the Operations Pact and the PDTO Launch
