Annual Report and
Sustainability 2022


ESG Timeline

ESG journey at Even over the last 14 years


Bovespa IPO


GRI level C verification in the 2008 Base Year Sustainability Report

SP Sustainability Committee

Diagnosis and Awareness - Governance and Sustainability Topics


GRI level C verification in the 2009 Base Year Sustainability Report

Start of Social Projects

The only one in the segment to be part of the ISE


GRI level B verification in the 2010 Base Year Sustainability Report

The only one in the segment to be part of the ISE for the 2nd consecutive year


RJ / BH / POA Sustainability Committee

AQUA Process: True Chácara Klabin

GRI level B+ verification in the 2011 Base Year Sustainability Report

The only one in the segment to be part of the ISE for the 3rd consecutive year

The only one in the segment to disclose its GHG emissions


Verified GHG Inventory 2011
(third-party audited)

Even developments with AQUA Environmental certification (High Environmental Quality) from 2012 to 2020

The only one in the segment to be part of the ISE for the 4th consecutive year

GRI A+ verification (maximum level) in the 2012 Base Year Sustainability Report


Participation in the CBIC Guide for good sustainability practices in construction sites

Participation in the preparation of Sinduscon's Methodological Guide for Calculating GHG Emissions in the real estate segment

Seconci Award: Champion in 2 categories (Prevention and Guidance in Occupational Health and Control of Hazards and Risks)

GRI A+ verification (maximum level) in the 2013 Base Year Sustainability Report

Verified GHG Inventory 2012
(third-party audited)

The only one in the segment to be part of the ISE for the 5th consecutive year


Caixa Econômica Federal Blue Certificate for BC Bela Cintra and Mariz Vila Mariana developments

Sustainability Guia Exame - Recognition as a prominent company in the Construction Segment

Seconci Award: Environmental Management of the Site Surroundings (of a development)

GHG inventory (scopes I, II, and III) 2013 verified (audited by a third party)

GRI a+ verification (maximum level) in the 2014 Base Year Sustainability Report

The only one in the segment to be part of the ISE for the 6th consecutive year


GHG inventory (scopes I, II, and III) 2014 verified (audited by a third party)

Neutralization of GHG emissions from projects delivered in 2015

Sustainability Guia Exame

The only one in the segment to be part of the ISE for the 7th consecutive year

GRI G4 Indicators Report with Segment’s Data


Sustainability Guia Exame

GHG neutralization of all projects delivered (SP, RJ, and Corporate) 2016, through REDD+ carbon credits

GHG inventory (scopes I, II, and III) 2015 verified (audited by a third party)

Seconci Award: Winner in 3 categories (Environmental Management of the Site Surroundings, Model Worker, Health Control at the Site), from 3 developments (one category for each)

The only company in the sector to make up the ISE for the 8th consecutive year

GRI G4 Indicators Report with Segment's Data The report was audited by a third party, which brings more clarity, transparency, and accuracy


GRI G4 Indicators Report with Segment’s Data


Seconci Award: Environmental Management of the Site Surroundings (for a development)

Beginning of the implementation of the NPS methodology according to each stage of the business


Seconci Award: Environmental Management of the Site Surroundings (for a development)

Brazil Protection Award: Third-Party Management in SST


Fantastic Product

Brazil Protection Award: OSH actions aimed at the community


ESG Executive Committee

Brazil Protection Award - Silver category in "Quality of Life at Work" with the case "Well Being with Prevention and Pioneering in Combating Covid in the Civil Construction Industry"

Neutralization of GHG Emissions (scope I, II, and III) of all projects delivered, including corporate ones, through CDM credits via biogas projects

Resumed the Sustainability Report (base year 2021)


Resumed the Educ@r and Somar Even Program

Brazil Protection Award: 3 "Third Party Management" awards: Gold; Quality of Life at Work: Silver; "CIPA Performance": Bronze

EDGE Certificate on the work Arbo Alto de Pinheiros

Resumed Social Projects - Somar Even

ESG Policy

Grade C in the CDP

Neutralization of GHG Emissions (scope I, II, and III) of all projects delivered in the year and corporate

RA 1000 certificate, awarded by Reclame Aqui
