Stakeholder Engagement
We dedicate special attention to our employees, who represent the Company's driving force. We invest in talent development and retention, seeking to constantly reduce the turnover that characterizes the civil construction segment. We seek a diverse and creative environment that supports our responsible and innovative profile.
We offer a low-hierarchical environment, open to proposing new ideas, regardless of hierarchical position. We establish relationships based on transparency, ethics, respect, inclusion, and equity. In 2022, we changed our hiring model. We reformulated the selection process, focusing on attracting and training young talent, to develop and retain these professionals in the long term through the Futureven Program.
Employee Profile
We use our best efforts to promote our human capital's well-being, health, and improvement. At the end of the year, 653 direct employees in the city of São Paulo were formally hired. Besides these, more than 2000 professionals from contracted contractors worked on our works.
Regardless of time of service, all employees who work full time are eligible for our benefits package, including medical and dental care, life insurance, payroll loan, meal vouchers and support for physical activities. Temporary or part-time employees are entitled to the same benefit package, except for Life Insurance and Maternity Leave.
We periodically update our employees' individual development plans and promote constant alignment meetings with steering committees and feedback practices. We have a culture based on meritocracy and a variable compensation policy based on growth, results, cost efficiency and innovation criteria.
Employee Information
by Gender in 2022
Note: The Even's operation comprises only the southeast region, and all employees are CLT
Employee Information
by age group in 2022
Percentage of employees by functional category
by gender (%)
Diversity indicator | 2022 | |
Total | % | |
Yellow | 12 | 1.84% |
White | 415 | 63.55% |
Brown | 173 | 26.49% |
Black | 50 | 7.66% |
Not informed | 3 | 0.46% |
Total | 653 | 100.00% |
Engagement Survey
In 2022, for the third consecutive year, we carried out an engagement survey with all our employees. In this new round, carried out online, 556 people answered 42 questions, including technical areas, divided into 15 categories. The result revealed an engagement level of 88%, compared to the 89% in 2021.
Our engagement is higher when compared to the Brazilian civil construction market and the engagement level shown by the high-performance Brazilian market.
This year, questions about diversity and inclusion were included in the survey, which will contribute to a more accurate reading of our audience and will make it possible to continuously advance in improvements in the coming cycles. In addition, we added a census for employees to fill out anonymously before answering the survey.
ESG Research
Throughout 2022, we carried out several actions to engage the internal public on the importance of deploying the ESG Culture in the company. In all meetings of leaders (which take place every 45 days, the theme became a fixed agenda) and we carried out some emblematic actions:
- Ethics and Sustainability Week (lecture by CDP and Counselor Claudia Elisa – ESG Specialist);
- Visit to Landfill Urbam (landfill located in São José dos Campos used to offset GHG emissions from works delivered in 2021);
- Disclosure of the corporate ESG One Page to key stakeholders;
- Specific communications on the dissemination of goals, SDGs, and Sustainability Report;
- More Sustainable Work Competition and Tampinha Legal Project;
- Volunteer Committee, Somar Even and Educ@r.
At the end of the year, we launched our first ESG Survey to assess the performance of the ESG Committee by employees. We had a 30% adherence and an average satisfaction score of 8.7 with the deployment of the ESG, and over 90% of respondents demonstrated knowledge of the pillars and principles of the ESG Policy (click here).
Compensation Policy
We have a variable compensation policy, linked to results, as a way of recognizing and enhancing talent and guaranteeing employees an environment focused on productivity and achieving goals.
We also have a Long Term Policy (ILP) aimed specifically at directors and managers. The measure is linked to our long-term strategy and has as its principle the granting of incentives through the granting of options to purchase Even shares, at the end of each fiscal year.
We have a specific variable compensation program for works, of which ESG indicators represent 7%. To learn more, (click here).
The Compensation Policy Compensation policy for management, its advisory committees, and the statutory board, as well as details on compensation, is available on the Investor Relations website.