Annual Report and
Sustainability 2022

Stakeholder Engagement

Social Projects

GRI 413-1

Social projects form part of our strategic plan and reflect our vision of continuity and long term. In 2022, we resumed our Corporate Social Responsibility Program (suspended due to the pandemic), with the creation of the Somar Even Committee, coordinated by HR.

The Committee's goal is to carry out volunteering actions in accordance with the Volunteering Policy, published in June 2022, and aims to offer employees the possibility of participating in voluntary actions, in person or remotely throughout the year, in the most different areas, and with that help to materialize our purpose. Among the programs we maintained in 2022, the following stand out:

Somar Even Program

Throughout 2022, we received the support of a consultancy specialized in structuring our Volunteer Program, the Somar Program, in the composition of the Volunteer Committee and in the consolidation of the Volunteer Policy. Four actions were carried out, with 84 volunteers, 486 hours, 387 items donated and 759 students benefited.

Our Volunteer Program seeks to establish partnerships that expand good practices, promote positive experiences and the construction of initiatives aligned with our pillars of action, related to education, sustainability and solidarity campaigns and humanitarian actions:



Activities to strengthen formal or full-time education (school tutoring, digital inclusion, environmental education, entry into the job market, among others);



Community awareness activities on issues such as waste management, carbon emissions;


Solidarity campaigns and humanitarian actions:

Internal mobilizations to support recurrent or emergency situations to mitigate the negative impacts of socio-environmental factors on the most vulnerable populations.

Volunteer Committee (Somar Committee)

Created this year, the Committee is responsible for structuring volunteering actions and engaging employees to participate in initiatives, besides measuring the results of projects and processes. It has members from different areas and works.

In the year, the Committee held seven meetings to discuss and prepare actions, one for training in education for sustainability, a charity June Festival and a technical visit and practical actions at the Escola Estadual Napoleão Carlos Freire (in Indianópolis, south of São Paulo), among other actions:

Campanha do Agasalho

Resulted in collecting 387 items and 31 boxes of clothing. União Brasileira Israelita do Bem-Estar Social (Unibes), which helps children, teenagers, senior citizens, and families living in vulnerable situations, was the beneficiary of the donations.

Festa Junina

Provided the collection of more than 1 ton of food and resources, through a charity bingo, destined to Fundação Criança Itaci, which promotes comprehensive health care for children and teenagers, primarily in clinical and surgical pediatrics and hematology and oncology.

Revitalization of the Educational Space

of the Escola Estadual Professor Napoleão Carlos Freire, in Moema, in the capital of São Paulo. The action benefited 759 students. We revitalized 118 m² of a set of disused rooms by painting, cleaning, organizing, and placing furniture. 62 volunteers were involved in the action and 86.4 liters of paint were used, 51 furniture and accessories were donated to the institution.

Improvement of the Space for Sport and Education for Sustainability

at E.E. Professor Napoleão Carlos Freire. 44 volunteers were mobilized. The renovation of 588 m² benefited 162 students, who received a painted multi-sports court, 47 m² of graffitied walls and the installation of a bicycle rack with eight hooks.

Children's Day Campaign

The Even, in partnership with LandApp, held throughout the month of October the Children's Day Campaign.

Toy collection points were distributed at the Even and LandApp offices, sales stands and in some condominiums already delivered.

In all, approximately 300 toys were collected and sent to Casa Hope. The organization is responsible for sheltering needy children with cancer for treatment.

Somar Committee

Timeline of the Somar Even Program in 2022

Volunteer Policy (learn more)

Campanha do Agasalho

Live SOMAR Even

Charity Party Arraiá

Educational Space Improvement

Children's Day and Pet Day

Improvement in the Sport Space and Education for Sustainability Activity

Main numbers in 2022:

active volunteers *

volunteer actions **

initiatives in the 2022 Calendar

ton of food collected

toys donated

students benefited

warm clothing collected

hours donated

pet adoptions

* Each volunteer was counted only once, regardless of the number of actions he/she participated in.ticipado.

** Total volunteers in the actions (including the same volunteer in more than one situation).

Educar Program

The Educar Program seeks to reduce digital exclusion. For this, we offer conditions to our employees to use and properly exploit digital tools and resources. In 2022, 15 employees from two projects were trained.

Basic computer classes have guidance on how to enter applications, notions of financial mathematics, how to make a PIX, how to access FGTS, work permits and income tax, among others, and are aimed at our entire team within the construction sites, in all works. At the end, they can be drawn to win a computer. Classes are taught by the office's own employees, on a voluntary basis.

Ação Vizinho Program

The program begins with mapping the surroundings of the construction site of a new Even development. This procedure is carried out right after the beginning of the Works Technical Performance Program (PDTO) of the work. Next, we delivered invitation letters to neighbors to get to know the project and the Company and installed selective collection bays on the fences, which encourage sustainable practices in the neighborhood and encourage participation in projects such as Tampinha Legal.

Details of occurrences of road closures are communicated to the community by the Quality area. Other measures adopted within the program are recycling of waste generated in the works, hiring experts to carry out reports on the neighboring residences, to verify any damage resulting from demolition or work implemented by Even.

We established a communication flow with neighbors to promote a good relationship throughout the construction process, with a CRM platform for meeting demands, which speeds up the assertive treatment of these stakeholders.

Neighbor Action Program

(total in tons)

  • Paper
  • Plastic
  • Metal
  • Glass
  • Total

Tampinha Legal

We do not undervalue any initiative linked to the ESG topic. Some actions that seem quite simple hide a relevant potential for changing society's behavior. This is the case of the Tampinha Legal Program, an initiative of the plastic transformation industrial chain in Latin America, which we joined a year ago.

In all our meeting rooms there is a container for storing the caps of the water bottles that we consume in the company. The amount collected from the sale of caps to recyclers is all reverted to social projects. Implemented in all construction sites, the program includes competitions to reward projects with the highest amount collected.

Tampinha Legal promotes and encourages the collection of plastic lids from food, personal hygiene, and domestic hygiene products, as well as soft drink lids, 20-liter water bottles, oil change containers, among others.

In 2022, we ran a campaign at construction sites to engage with recycling. The works that filled the collectors the fastest were presented with a squeeze bottle and a backpack.
